Saturday 12 April 2008

Mexican feast update

I ended up only serving the dip and the pork burritos. I never even bothered to cook up the fajitas and the tacos, which was really a good thing. It was just too much food. I had prepared it all to cook, so it's all just gone in the freezer. I might make fajitas later this weekend to use up the cut veggies. The burritos were good, if I do say so myself, but even with five people eating big burritos, we still didn't eat all the meat. So...that's gone into the freezer as well, perfect for defrosting and using on a baked potato if we don't feel like having burritos.

We all played on the Wii, as well, which was good fun. I'm so glad we got the Wii, and I'm very much looking forward to WiiFit, which we just pre-ordered a couple of days ago. It comes out on my birthday, so it's a good birthday present, and it means that Andy's birthday present for me is taken care of...he didn't even have to do the ordering! He knew he wanted to get it for me, so when I had an online voucher for, we just decided to go ahead and preorder it so we could use the voucher.

I'm not sure what the rest of the weekend will hold. Right now, I'm so full, all I want to do is sleep.