Sunday 13 April 2008


I feel like I've wasted the day. I've had what I call "migraine aftershocks" for a good part of the day. By the time I got to bed last night, I was in a tremendous amount of pain and had to get Andy to bring me a cool cloth, which wasn't cold enough for me, so then he ended up bringing me a bag of frozen vegetables from the freezer. That, combined with prescription pain medication eventually seemed to get rid of the migraine. I could feel another headache come on during the night, but overall, I got a pretty good night's sleep and didn't get up until after 9am. However, I woke up with a headache, took some more pain meds, and by noon, the headache was stronger, and I was falling asleep on the sofa. So, I ended up back in bed for over two hours, and have been battling the headaches ever since. I finally took more prescription pain meds this evening, and that seems to have helped. I just feel very fragile and worn out today. I have no idea what brought on the migraine, but I'm just hoping it doesn't decide to do an encore tonight.

What was really weird about this migraine is that while my whole head usually hurts and feels like it is in a vice grip, this time, it was the left side of my head that was in agony. My whole head definitely did hurt, but it actually felt like I'd had an arrow shot through the left side of my head. It was very strange. Even the left side of my neck hurt.

Anyway, I feel I've accomplished very little today, because I just haven't been able to do much of anything at all. I've stayed in my pyjamas all day and really could have spent the whole day in bed. I can't believe I'm back to work tomorrow, and then I'm off to university on Tuesday for a chat with my personal tutor about a major dilemma I'm having at the moment. I'm wondering if fretting and worrying over that conversation is part of the reason I ended up with such a nasty migraine this weekend.