Sunday 23 December 2007

She's a SuperGeek...SuperGeek...She's SuperGeeky!

Oh yes...I may be the geekiest of them all now. A few weeks ago, Andy and I rushed off to Aldi to buy a digital notepad that was on sale, and I have only just now had the chance to really try it out. After initially feeling that it wasn't very intuitive and would possibly be very annoying to use after a while (the pen leaves much to be desired when compared to my lovely, comfortable Sensa pen), I have now sussed the handwriting conversion software and think that it could be pretty freaking cool.

Now that I have begun using the wonder that is Microsoft OneNote (yes, I know Microsoft is evil, but I really like OneNote!) for my course (notes on readings, etc.), I think that I could very easily use my digital notepad to take notes in class or to take notes while I'm reading but don't have easy access to my laptop. Later, I can convert all of my handwritten notes to text and dump it all into Microsoft OneNote, making it easier for me to integrate it all into future essays and the like. I type a hell of a lot faster than I can write, but sometimes, it's just not easy or feasible to lug around the laptop and take notes (i.e. I'm too lazy to lug it around or to bother getting it booted up for my 45 minute train journey), so the digital notepad could be a solution.

Right now, I have handwritten notes in my notebook, other notes typed up in OneNote, and other notes in my brain that haven't been written at all because I didn't have handy access to my notebook while reading. As I really should be getting my ass in gear for my 4000 word essay due on 14th Jan., perhaps I should start carrying the digital notepad and a random book wherever I go so I can get some work done. This may also be a good solution for Christmas Day when all the guys in Andy's family are either falling asleep on the sofa or watching football on tv and when all the women in Andy's family are having a good chat that generally involves child rearing and/or people I don't know. Both of these activities do not really involve me, so I can try to be a good little student and actually do some work, which I have been avoiding like the plague until the last couple of days. Of course, even in the last couple of days, I have done the bare minimum (I think I actually managed to read two and a half pages of a book yesterday before I got distracted by something else).'s really time to get to work. Honestly, 4000 words is really nothing, but as I'm writing on a subject that is relatively new to me (putting on a museum exhibition), I probably need to do a pretty decent amount of background reading on top of some of the relevant material I've already read for class.

Ahh...the wonders of new gadgets and the extreme geekiness it brings out in me.