Sunday 16 December 2007

First Post...or How boring can I be?

I've tried keeping up with writing blogs in the past, but generally, interest wanes after a short while (both on my part in terms of writing the blog and on the part of my friends and family in terms of actually reading the blog). However, I'm going to try my hand at it again and see if I can actually keep the momentum going for a while.

I certainly don't promise anything deep or meaningful; this blog may end up containing nothing more than the mundane happenings in my every day life. However, I may occasionally have something interesting to say...but again, I don't promise anything.

Anyway, on to more interesting things: We put up the tree and got the lights wrapped around it, but that's it for tonight. The decorations will be sorted out at least we'll have a week of enjoying the tree before Christmas. This is odd for me, as when I lived in the US, my family always decorated on Thanksgiving. My mother has continually asked me why we're bothering to put up a tree when it's so close to Christmas because she just can't conceive putting up the tree any later than Thanksgiving. Of course, she's got an enormous tree and boxes and boxes and boxes of decorations, so it takes her days upon days just to get everything set up. So, putting her decorations up just a week before Christmas would seem like a waste; when you have to put that much effort into decorating, you want to enjoy it for at least a month!

I have tomorrow off and am only working Tuesday - Thursday this week. The College is closed on Friday and won't open again until 7 January, so I have two blissful College-free weeks ahead of me. I'm also finished with University until 23 January, although I have an essay that is due on the 14th of January. I haven't even started on it, although I have a rough sketch of it in my mind. free Friday may be spent at the library in Bristol, reading and making notes for my essay. Good times.


Anonymous said...

ummm...someone's being unnecessarily self-deprecating. BTW, Jason Mical lives in London now. I don't know if you knew him that well, but he's closer to you than I am. Go to my blog!