Sunday 22 June 2008

I seriously need to stop being so lazy....

I have all sorts of things around the house that need to be done (and have needed to be done for ages), not to mention the fitness and diet regime I have been putting off for too long, and I just keep procrastinating. I keep finding a reason to put it off. Mostly, it's because I'm tired, and I suppose a bit down in the dumps about one thing or another. I think if I just got some things around the house accomplished (like turning our cellar into a place that is semi-pleasant to spend time in, rather than feeling claustrophobic the whole time) and started exercising and eating better, I wouldn't be so tired and down in the dumps. It's a vicious cycle, and no one is going to be able to break it but me.

I just really feel like I need some support. Not that Andy isn't good support, but he doesn't understand some of the stuff. He's never had to deal with weight problems. He's always been one to live amongst a ridiculous amount of clutter and quite happily procrastinates doing...well....anything and everything. Asking him to help me stop procrastinating and to get myself in gear would be like asking Willy Wonka to help me kick my addiction to chocolate.

Not to make excuses, but part of my problem is my daily battle with allergies and frequent battle with headaches (tension, sinus, migraine...take your pick). My allergies really do just leave me feeling drained and tired much of time, particularly when my eyes are on an itching-spree. Allergy pills, sinus sprays, eye drops...they make a bit of an impact (and keep me from having an all-out migraine) but don't eradicate it fully. I usually have a low-grade headache thanks to my allergies, which just furthers the wiped out feeling and makes me want to go to bed. My mom may be able to make herself do whatever she thinks needs doing despite feeling like her head is swollen and about to fall off, but I just can't do it. And I'm tired of feeling this way every single damn day. I've had allergy scratch tests before, and they can't even figure out what the hell I'm allergic to. I have allergies every day of the year, worse during hayfever season, but they can't actually tell me what is causing it. I've had CT scans on my sinuses to see if there is something wrong with them, and there's nothing. I've tried different allergy pills and such since living here, but nothing is as good as the Allegra D I took prior to moving to the UK.

In other news, I went to see The Zutons at Westonbirt Arboretum on Friday night with Andy, Miriam & her son, and it was brilliant. It rained a bit, but overall, it wasn't too bad weather-wise, and of course, Westonbirt is always a lovely place to be and a fab concert venue. The Zutons were fantastic, and the concert was well worth the money.

Sadly, it's back to work tomorrow and then a meeting with the Graduate Dean of the Faculty on Tuesday about my complaint to the university. I could really use another holiday!