Thursday 15 May 2008

My poor little car....

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I heard the doorbell ring. Andy answered the door, and it was our neighbor from next door. He and Andy went outside and were talking about something, and it wasn't until Andy came back in that I realized that it was our car they were talking about. One of the builders next door cut the corner into the drive too close, ran into our car, and ripped the front of our car off. It sounds rather dramatic, and it looks even more dramatic.


The lollipop man (crossing guard to most of you) that works outside our house saw the whole thing happen, so if the builder hadn't confessed, we had a witness to tell us who did it. Luckily, once the guy saw who the car belonged to, he came straight to the house and rang the bell to exchange details. Andy says he thinks the poor guy expected Andy to shout and scream at him, but it was an accident. No one was hurt, and the guy owned up to what he did. It's inconvenient and a pain, but it could have been much worse. We'll see what the real damage is once the garage has had a look tomorrow (it was towed off this afternoon), but hopefully it won't be nearly as bad as it would seem from the pictures. The only really annoying thing, other than the car being ripped apart of course, is that we haven't gotten a courtesy car. The worst case scenario is that we won't get one until Monday, but we're hoping to get one tomorrow. Andy has an awards ceremony to go to tomorrow night, and if we don't have a car, he probably won't be able to go since it's not in Swindon. With no car over the weekend, it's going to severely limit what we can do, but hey, let's face it....we're pretty lazy and probably wouldn't do anything that involved us going long distances anyway! Besides, if we were going to go out of town, we'd probably take the train anyway if we could.

So.....that wasn't a great way to start off the day, but I'm sure it could have been a lot worse!

Wednesday 14 May 2008

It's been a while since I last blogged...

And sadly, that's because I haven't had a huge amount to say!

My birthday was good, but uneventful. I had meetings in the morning in Bath, so Andy took the day off and joined me in Bath in the afternoon. We had a nice walk around, did a bit of shopping, and had a fab dinner at Wagamama. I ended up getting Wii Fit on my birthday, so that was quite a nice surprise.

Other than that, I've been dealing with the complaint I made about one of the units on my course and have been helping to prepare for the inspection at the College. I lead such an exciting life!

I've been pretty down lately, too, which is part of the reason I think I haven't felt to chatty, blogging-wise. I'm not really sure why I've been so down. I think part of it is being tired of the weather, but thankfully the sun has been shining and the weather has been warm for the last week. Tomorrow, it cools back down and rains all day, though, so I won't be a happy camper!

I also think part of it is just being disappointed in my weight-loss efforts and not feeling comfortable in my own skin at the moment. Every time I lose some weight, something happens to stress me out, and I fall off the wagon, so to speak. I know I'd be a lot happier, and probably a lot less stressed, if I could drop the weight and get in better shape. I actually do enjoy going to the gym and working out, but getting motivated to do it in the first place is difficult. I wish I could be one of those people who is obsessed with working out and wants to work out all the time, but that's just not me. I guess if I started seeing some results and felt like it was actually doing something, I'd be more motivated. The Wii Fit is good fun, but I haven't used it for a few days because weighing is too depressing!

I think part of being down is also because my job just feels like a soul-destroying task at the moment. I feel like I'm beating my head against the wall all the time. In fact, sometimes I think that beating my head against a wall would feel better than doing my job.

I think another part of it is that I miss my friends and family. I've made two really good friends in the UK, and I love them dearly, but I really miss my best friends back in the US. It's even worse when I know that my best US friends and best UK friends would get along famously. I wish I could build a teleporter and just teleport around the globe, collecting people as I go so that we can all get together in one place. Someone build me a teleporter now!

My dad has retired, and I'm hoping that this means that my parents will come visit at some point this year. I miss my parents and would really love to get to show my dad (finally) some of the places I've been talking about since I've moved here. This summer will make four years of marriage and four years of living in the UK, and it would be nice to see him over here since I've been living here that long.

Finally, one of my good friends has been going through a rough patch with an on-and-off boyfriend, and I finally had to stop giving my opinion because I'm sure she's sick of hearing it, and it's not helping anyway. I've really hated to see her get hurt, and that's been bothering me as well.

Well, this has been a depressing and rather boring post! Feel free to ignore. :P

Thursday 1 May 2008

Which Greek Goddess are you?

Which Greek Goddess are YOU?! (great pictures)
created with
You scored as Demeter

You are Demeter goddess of nature



























